What is Jelquing?
Of all the male enhancement exercises, jelquing is probably the most popular. This milking technique for penis enlargement goes back thousands of years, and it’s been used throughout the world to help men be longer and thicker. Like any exercise, jelquing needs to be performed on a regular basis over a period of time to see significant results. Furthermore, you should always be cautious when performing any male enhancement exercises to help avoid injury.
Benefits of Jelquing
The main benefits of jelquing are obvious. This exercise helps your penis become longer and thicker. But that’s not all. Men who do jelquing exercises also find they’re better able to control their climax and they tend to perform better in the sack. In short, jelquing can improve almost every facet of your sex life. However, it should be done in conjunction with male enhancement pills to get the best results.
Instructions for Jelquing
Before beginning jelquing, you should note two things. First, you should always use lubricant. Second, never perform this exercise when you’re fully erect as it could lead to serious penile damage.
To being jelquing, make an “Ok” sign with your hand. Place this Ok sign around the base of your penis, with the thumb on top. Simply move your hand toward the tip of the penis, and then repeat the process with the opposite hand. Rotate back and forth between your two hands in a milking process. Repeat this process as long as desired.
Techniques for Jelquing
There are several techniques for jelquing preparation. The most important thing is to ensure your penis is warmed up prior to beginning your exercise. Common warming techniques include warm wash cloths, water cups, and heat pads. It’s best to warm up for at least 5 minutes before you start jelquing.
Does Jelquing Work?
The jury is still out on whether jelquing does work due to all the time and trouble involved. Remember, penis exercises can be helpful in making your shaft bigger. But to get the most out of them, you should also check out male enhancement pill reviews to see what really works.