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PenaTropin Review

Rated: 6.0 out of 10

As a man of some experience in this world you have come to understand a few basic truths about what men want in their sex lives and what women want in theirs. And, no matter how hard some people try to tell you that penis size doesn't matter, you know it simply isn't true. The simple fact is that from a man's point of view a big chunk of his confidence comes from knowing that he measures up in a number of ways and he knows women are attracted to men who do. You know, for instance, that women are generally more attracted to taller, bigger men because they make a woman feel safer. Women also like men with a larger penis for a number of reasons just as men generally prefer women with larger breasts. People could debate the issue all day but no matter what the actual reasons there's little argument that these basic sexual desires are true. So, until science finds a way to make a man taller there isn't much a guy can do about that but he can make his penis larger. And, the only real question for guys who want a larger penis is which method he is going to choose.

PenaTropinAgain, if you are a guy who's been around you probably already know that there are three basic methods to achieve a larger penis in the modern world. The most extreme method is to have a surgical procedure that will reshape and add tissue to your penis but unless you have a lot of extra money lying around and no fear of complications or poor results from this highly invasive surgery you might want to consider something less permanent.

Another method is to use a penis extender. This mechanical device is designed to apply therapeutic tension to your penis which causes the cell structure within the penis to stretch to the point where it is forced to generate new cells to basically fill in the gaps. This type of therapy has been proven to work in many areas of medicine such as the repair of broken bones or as a method of evening out uneven body parts such as when one leg is shorter than the other. Still, proven as this method at a basic level may be, the devices that are sold to stretch a penis are often cumbersome to use, can only be used when you are alone or with a very understanding partner. Usually, the most common comments by men who have tried to use these devices is that they just couldn't get themselves to stick with the day in and day out process of attaching the device to their penis and deal with the restrictions and, yes, often pain associated with the use of them.

The third option is to find a high quality male enhancement supplement that is specifically designed to enhance the size of the penis. We say 'find' because, if you haven't ventured far into the world of male enhancement supplements, you may not know that it is a highly competitive market given that there are millions and millions of men all around the world who want a larger, more powerful penis. It's because of this highly competitive and hard to navigate world of products that we have decided to look closely at one of the most talked about penis enlarging male enhancement supplements available today to help our readers determine if it might be right for them - it's called PenaTropin.

About PenaTropin

Made by Phyto Health at their facility in the USA, PenaTropin claims to be the #1 male enhancement supplement in the world. Developed as an all-natural formula with a proprietary blend of ingredients this product is marketed directly at men who are seeking significant size growth in their penis. The company's use of multiple endorsements by adult film stars makes this very clear especially when you realize that all of their marketing talking points focus solely on the increase in size that can be gained from its use.

Going back to the point regarding PenaTropin's proprietary formula it is understandable that a company with a great product would want to keep the exact ingredients and amounts a secret from their competitors but, in effect, they are also keeping that critical information away from their users and potential users in the process. This means that you nor anyone else can look at and analyze these ingredients in order to make an educated decision as to whether this product is right for you or if it contains something that might be harmful to you.

User Reviews

Being unable to examine the ingredients in any meaningful way leaves everyone with little to go on in figuring out if PenaTropin might be right for you. This leaves everyone with only one real way to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this product - user reviews. Now, as we mentioned, the official website for PenaTropin is covered with endorsements from adult film stars who speak glowingly about how great PenaTropin is. But, as any worldly guy knows, these endorsements are likely paid endorsements so it doesn't seem likely that you can put too much stock in what they say. That leaves us with actual and unbiased user reviews that one would find on websites and chat rooms devoted to the subject that are unaffiliated with the company or product.

When looking at the kind of actual user reviews it is clear that the majority of them are of a negative nature simply because they indicate that most users did not achieve results that lived up to the claims or even their tempered expectations. The most common comments were focused on the fact that the users saw absolutely no increase in the size of their penis.

Medical Concerns

Normally, any product that claims to be all-natural is highly unlikely to cause an serious side effects but one always has to be concerned when dealing with a product that uses a secret proprietary blend of ingredients. Unfortunately, there are some ingredients in certain brands and formulas that have been said to cause some problems or allergic reactions in some users. This being the case, it is always advisable to consult with your primary physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use of this or other similar product.

The Conclusion

As we discussed at the beginning of this review there are three basic options for men who want a larger penis and the confidence and improved sex life that goes with it - expensive and risky surgery, cumbersome and potentially painful traction devices or a high quality male enhancement supplement. Given these options it would seem that any reasonable men would figure out that the simplest and least expensive options is the one to go with first. So, if a male enhancement supplement is the right option for you it seems like you just need to figure out which one is best.

When it comes to PenaTropin what we found was that the manufacturer seems to have decided that a marketing strategy long on slick website filled with pages of information that few men would likely ever read and one high profile adult film star endorsements was far more important than letting the users and would be users see what was actually in their formula.

In the end, the lack of useful information regarding the PenaTropin formula, the reliance upon adult film star endorsements and the weak performance reviews from independent users of the product make it very difficult to see how PenaTropin could be considered as one of the best available penis enlargement male enhancement supplement available today.

For more information regarding the highest quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.

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