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Vydexafil Reviews

Rated: 6.5 out of 10

There was a time that you thought that you were invincible and that you would be young, strong and virile forever. Then something happened. It may have been the realization that the intense drive you had always had for sex wasn't quite as strong as it used to be. It might even have been an issue getting fully aroused to the point where you could form and maintain a rock solid erection. Now, this might have happened years ago or it might have started very recently but what every guy should know is that this kind of thing is natural and happens to nearly every man on the planet.

The reason for the loss of sexual drive and even mild to moderate erectile dysfunction comes down to a basic biological fact - at some point, usually around the age of thirty, most men begin to lose the capacity to produce testosterone at a high level the same way they did while in their teens and twenties. And, this phenomenon continues in a way that leads to about a two percent per year drop in testosterone production.

Fortunately, over the last decade or so there have been some remarkable advances in science which, when combined with some often age old herbal studies has resulted in the modern male enhancement supplement. This normally all-natural pills are generally designed to help men who may have moved beyond their prime physical years to restore many of the necessary elements needed to have a high functioning ability to produce testosterone which is essential to maintaining a strong sense of libido or sexual drive and the type of blood flow that makes rock solid and long lasting erections possible.

Unfortunately, these great advances have caused some issues as their great popularity has created a marketplace that is now growing larger and larger as just about any company with the capacity to make or buy pills of this nature are putting out products, many of which, are not at or even near the same caliber as the best the industry has to offer. To make matters worse, distinguishing between these literally hundreds of products can be quite confusing because most of them use nearly identical sets of ingredients and make mostly all the same claims.

This being the case, we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements on the market today - it's called Vydexafil.

What To Know About Vydexafil

A product which is produced and distributed by a company called Advantage Nutraceuticals, LLC of Provo, Utah, Vydexafil is, on the surface, a standard male enhancement supplement designed to boost the production of testosterone. The product's official website is constructed utilizing a modern and user friendly design with multiple sections including an ingredients page providing some very good features including history, uses and other background information on the individual ingredients. It also provides a complete listing of quantities and percentages. For some this might not mean much but in an industry filled with cheap products that can't or don't want to display this kind of information it should be considered a plus.

Active Ingredients In Vydexafil

The following list shows a set of ingredients that, though unspectacular, are common to many of the top performing brands on the market today.


D-Aspartic Acid (1200 mg) - Aspartic acid is an endogenous amino acid which is claimed by many to be responsible for the release of luteinizing hormone and testosterone.

Tribulus Terrestris - A member of the Caltrop family this all-natural plant extract is considered an essential herb in Ayurveda, an age old branch of traditional Indian medicine and has a long history of being highly prized as a booster of virility.

Eurycoma Longifolia (100 mg) - Also referred to as Tongkat Ali in South Eastern Asia, eurycoma longifolia has a centuries old history of enhancing sexual encounters by increasing sexual drive.

Additional ingredients include Agmatine Sulfate, Fenugreek and Horny Goat Weed.

The Science Behind Vydexafil

Visitors to the official website for Vydexafil will find numerous points related to studies showing the effectiveness of the ingredients in this product. However, it must be pointed out that the effectiveness of the ingredients does not directly equate to the effectiveness of the product itself. This is because it is the formulation of the ingredients that largely determines how effective it is likely to be. This being the case it should be noted that the producer does not provide any data related to research, studies or clinical trials that would support the claims being made for their own specific formulation.

Real User Reviews

Every experienced consumer understands that sellers often use testimonials or user reviews as a way to make potential customers believe that their existing customers a happy with the particular product. But, since the seller controls what is placed on the official websites and other marketing materials there is an inherent bias to these comments. Because of this fact we tend to look for less biased sources.

Using a search of multiple industry related websites with no known connection to the producer or the product in question as well as a number of chat rooms discussing male enhancement we found numerous independent user reviews. Looking at them in total we discovered that the majority of them seemed to be rather negative in their assessment of their experiences with Vydexafil. In fact, the most common comments all seemed to center on the belief that they did not receive any tangible benefits even after use of a month or more.

Is Vydexafil Safe To Use?

As discussed above, the set of ingredients in Vydexafil are quite common to the best brands in the business so there seems to be little potential for health risks or serious side effects in healthy men. Still, it is always advisable to seek a consultation with a physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use.

Purchasing Vydexafil

A one month supply of Vydexafil is, at the time of publication, set at $39.95 with multiple offers by the company for increasing discount on higher quantity orders.

The Last Word On Vydexafil

For men experiencing some form of mild to moderate sexual dysfunction the answer to their problems can, in most cases, be dealt with by using a high caliber male enhancement supplement designed to boost the production of testosterone.

Examining the basic facts around Vydexafil it appears that there are three key areas that tell potential users everything that they need to know. One is the set of ingredients and, as shown above, they are very much in line with what most of the best in the business tend to use.

The second area is the aspect of the formulation for Vydexafil which comes down to the simple fact that the producer does not offer the public or reviews access to any data related to any research, studies or clinical trials if any exists.

The last area of discussion is what actual independent user reviews have to say and, in the case of Vydexafil, the majority of those reviews did not believe that this product offered any significant benefit.

Taking all of these facts in hand it appears quite clear that Vydexafil, at least in its current formulation cannot be considered one of the best available options for men dealing with mild to moderate sexual dysfunction due to a loss of testosterone.

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